DASCH: Digital Access to a Sky Century @ Harvard
A New Look at the Temporal Universe

Plate Information for b20678

Observatory NameArequipa
W. Longitude (deg)71.55
Latitude (deg)-16.375
Aperture (m)0.2
Scale (arcsec/mm)179.4
Telescope8-inch Bache Doublet, Voigtlander, reworked by Clark
Plate ClassL
Photograph(s) of the Plate JacketView the plate jacket (8.8 MiB).
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Photograph(s) of Plate and AnnotationsView the plate photo (11.3 MiB).
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Plate Exposure Information
Exposure Number0
Exposure Time (minutes) 270.00
Right Ascension00:53:29.394
Geocentric Date1897-10-29T03:30:17.5
JD: 2414226.64604
Heliocentric Date1897-10-29T03:30:30.0
HJD: 2414226.64618
Plate Center SourceLogbook
Date SourceLogbook
Exposure NotesSmall_Mg._Cl
Time Accuracy (days)0.0007

Raw Logbook Data - Logbook page may not be digitized. Try the logbook browser.
Exposure Number0
Exposure Time (minutes)
Right Ascension0 50
DateOct 28 1897
Exposure Start Time23 00
Exposure Stop Time3 30
Exposure Hour Angle1 50 E
Logbook Remark
Logbook Noteschecked
Error Type

No plate condition records present in the stacks database.

Plate Events Table
DateVersion IDPicked StatusStack LocationEvent NotesValid
2016-09-08T15-38-281Jacket JPEGyes
2016-09-08T15-40-401Plate JPEGyes
2017-02-23T12-11-471Jacket JPEGyes
2017-02-23T12-13-181Plate JPEGyes